Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I am happy about what I have

It’s very natural to think about those things that we don’t have. We, the mango people, always repent that why I didn’t get this, why not that? And the list grows with time. Demand and supply ratio increases inverse proportionately day by day and frustration comes in action. Frustration actually works as a positive catalyst to increase the gap of this demand and supply.
So I decided that I won’t count about the things that I don’t have. Rather I’ll look after those things that I have and preserve them with great care so that those things always stay with me. Now, things don’t mean that they are only non leaving things. It may be a person, a relation, some achievements, some goals or some thoughts.
1.      Family:  My parents. They are so special. Some people say (When they are madly in love with somebody) that I can leave my parents for him/her. My personal feelings regarding this is if a person can leave (better to say go against) his/her parents for 2-3 years’ relationship, he/she can break any relationship in future. I admire my parents. And I’ll never leave them for anybody or anything. Sawal hi paida nehi hota.

2.      A home: Home Sweet Home. Whenever I see some of my friends are concerned about buying a flat, and they are calculating about home loans, interest rates, I take a deep breath and thank to god that I have my own house. At least if something wrong happens to me, my parents have a roof over their head.

3.      A Job: Some of my friends are still in search for a job. At least I have one. For my friends, getting job is just a matter of time. But still I feel happy for myself that after having so much of ups and downs I got the job with a small software firm. And recently I got promotion. Yeeeee. My life’s first promotion. I was very happy when I got that letter.

4.      Quality Friends: My friend circle is very small. And I am very choosy about my friends and I am fortunate enough that I got quality friends. When I was in trouble, frustrated they stood by me. And I believe they always stand by me when ever I need them.

5.      A Bike: Yes, that’s an achievement actually. My first two wheeler that I bought with my own earnings (I had a cycle before presented by my aunty). Though the back seat of my bike is still searching someone but I feel happy when ride and go for trips. It was a dream that came true.

6.      A Guitar: It may seem like I am just increasing my count with such things, but believe me, these are very special to me. I am not a good guitarist. I just love to play guitar for myself. After all my work, when I sit with it and stroke the strings, I feel like heaven.

7.      Some Dreams: This is common for all. Everybody have some dreams. I am not an exception. But I don’t have some sky high dreams. Not all dreams I gonna share but one. I just want my salary to touch Rs. 2501 daily. It’s only because the girl I loved most left me saying that her new boy friend’s daily income is Rs. 2500. Freaky? Let it be.

8.      Peace of Mind: At least I can sleep properly at night. No night mare can now wake me up. This is I feel the most important thing that I’ll hate to loose. I love my sleep 3 much.
List is not too small. I am happy with it. There are some more that I haven’t mentioned. But yes what I learned from my experiences is its better to think what you have than you don’t have.

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