Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday Blues

Its month end. And I woke up in the morning realizing how a bachelor’s month end is. I was planning to go for a hair cut and my wallet said insufficient balance. I asked one of my roommates to go for an online recharge from my credit card and pay me the cash. Thanks to him that he also wanted a recharge at the same time. Got some money. Felt well that then I could go for a hair cut. And then my childhood friend called me up and the day turned to a different direction.

I picked up the call and my friend asked me “Let’s go out. I need to buy a laptop”. I said okay, come down and we will choose a laptop for you. We went out around 3.30pm. After having a short market survey we choose a laptop for him. Payment was done and configuration was going on when my friend asked me “Don’t you feel that you also should take a laptop? This is the time. Go for it.” Before his sentence I was not even in a thought about buying a laptop. But I don’t know what happened, within a flash I decided to go for a lappy. I asked for the same model with same configuration.

A day started so blankly, ended up with an achievement of my life.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New side of Human Psychology

Its been a long time when I was out of this page. Actually I was trying to find some topic to write on. Its not like I found a very bold topic, but there is something I need share here.

I experienced some thing from one of my friend. He was expressing his thoughts to me and I came to know that he was not feeling well because his ex girl friend is happy with some other guy. I asked him why you are so unhappy? He had no answer. Practically or theoretically there should be no reason to be offended. If you have broken up completely from your mind, nothing should matters regarding your ex. But life doesn’t follow any theoretical knowledge. I came to know a new part of human psychology. "You will feel unhappy if you see your ex is happy with a new partner, until and unless you are engaged with somebody else."