Feb started on a lazy note. I thought it is gonna be a blast. But what always happens to me is what I expect very much, I don’t get that right away. Lot of yes-no-maybe happens in between and the charm of getting something special almost got ended.
I talked to a friend some days back and I was surprised to see the drastic change in him. When he was in school, he hate stories and novels, rather he loves to see movies in cinema halls or watching porn in DVD Players. When I talked to him some days back, he told me that he is reading novels, writing poetries. I was silent for a moment and then asked are you the same guy who used to hate stories and novels in school days? He smiled and answered, “See, how frustration changes a person”. Bong sentiments really grow up when a person is depressed. Depression, frustration is the out come if dreams are not fulfilled. But we, the pure bong mentality people leaves on dream.
If he is the example of how depression made him little soft and injected some sentiments in him, I have another friend who lost her all sentiments because of the same reason. 2-3 years back when I used to talk to her, she was full of life. Smiling, chattering and flying like a sparrow. After that for some time we lost contacts due to settle up carrier and all. Now days when I talk to her, she seems like a frozen river. Depressed, frustrated with life, hates almost everything, and Kind of un-touchable by the incidents whether it is of happiness or sorrow. She became a robot with flesh and blood. Another drastic change and which I think is not good.
In some of my blogs, I have given example of my friends. I have very few friends but quality friends. Their lives are full of incidents. As I live like a straight line graph, so I love to take incidents from their experiences. Feb started on a depressed note for me. And the funny thing is I don’t know why I am depressed. If I have to follow one of these two friends, whom should I follow? This is the question that actually I am asking myself again and again.
Then suddenly on the way home I met a completely unknown person. We talked a little. I asked him, have you ever been depressed? He told me he has no time for depression. He told me, if you make yourself so busy that you don’t even get time to think about your mind status, then you will never know when you are sorry or when you are depressed. I replied, and then we never know when we are happy also. Lets see whether the conversation is gonna help me or not. I have modified his words and taken in this way, “When you feel you are depressed, make your self so busy that you don’t get time to think about it. After few days, take a break and ask yourself about the mind status. If it is okay, its time to get back to your previous routine, else continue to be busy.”